Heirloom Quality Lanyards Braided by
Sporting Artist Bob Bertram
Singles, Doubles and Magnetic. Bertram also embellishes Acme whistles for those who want to add a touch of class to their whistles.
The single is for those who prefer one whistle, the double for those who prefer two or a whistle and something else on their lanyard. The magnetic is a lanyard that functions as a single without a clip. The magnet holds steel split rings, clippers for fishermen or the split ring of a whistle. It is a unique and beautifully functional lanyard, but not meant for thick cover. Whistles can be embellished with one knot or a combination of two or three knots. |
Email or Call Bob Bertram to Place Your Custom Order
DOUBLES - WHEN ONE ISN'T ENOUGHDoubles are for those who need to have two whistles or a whistle and an accessory item. The knot that holds the legs of the lanyard slides, making it completely adjustable. Fine kangaroo leather braided and knotted to make a versatile lanyard to be proud of.
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MAGNETIC - SLEEK VERSATILITYBob has been working on magnetic lanyards as a pet project for some time now. And he has settled on this design as an elegant way to create a clipless lanyard that he uses himself, every day. The magnet holds house keys when he walks his dog, clippers when he fishes, and his Acme whistle when he is training his dog. The clipless style is his favorite, however, it is not meant for thick cover!
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A custom lanyard for a client that used his provided slide in place of the usual slide knot.